Indian Salads and Pickled Fish


Cucumber Raita
 1 small lebanese cucumber, diced OR 1/2 cup of peeled, diced cucumber
 200ml, (3/4 cup) plain yogurt (thick, full fat)
 salt and pepper (to taste)
 1/4 teaspoon of cumin
 1 teaspoon, white sugar(castor sugar)
 pinch of sweet paprika powder 
 1 tablespoon, finely chopped coriander leaves
 1/4 teaspoon, garlic powder
 juice of a lemon, 40ml (3 tablespoons) 
Mix, lemon juice, sugar, garlic powder, cumin and paprika in a bowl, until sugar dissolves. 
Add yogurt, salt, pepper and coriander to the bowl and stir in the yogurt.
Add cucumber, mix in well and then refridgerate in a covered container for 30 minutes. Serve cold.

Potato, Spinach OR Tomato Raita:
Boil (1) large potato in it's skin, set a side to cool and remove skin. Dice cooked potato and cool in the fridge before adding to yogurt blend, as above.

Use approximately, (15) baby spinach leaves, cut into fine strips and soak in boiling water with a pinch of salt for about 5 minutes. Drain spinach well, then chill in the fridge. Add to yogurt blend, as above.

Use (1) large ripe tomato and 1/2 of a small red onion. Dice tomato and onion finely. Add to yogurt blend, as above.

South African Sambal

South African Sambal

Tomato and Herb Sambal 
 2 ripe tomatoes, diced, finely
 1/2 onion (red or white), diced, finely (soak, white onion in hot water for 10 minutes and drain)
 1 green chilli, sliced then chopped fnely(remove seeds to reduce heat)
 1 small cucumber(1/2 cup) finely, chopped
 1/4 cup of finely, chopped corriander
 1/4 cup of finely, chopped mint 
 1/2 teaspoon, salt

 4 tablespoons of white vinegar(approx.) 
 4 tablespoons of lemon juice(approx.)

Mix all ingredients together very well, must have a reasonable amount of lemon juice and vinegar present to marinate ingredients. Add more vinegar if necessary.
Refrigerate in sealed bowl for 1 hour before serving. Add more salt if to sour.

Green Herb Chutney

Green Herb Chutney

Green Herb Chutney 
 1/2 small onion, diced
 1 cup, corriander leaves (remove from stem)
 1 cup, mint leaves (remove from stem)
 1-2 green chillies, chopped (remove seeds to reduce heat)
 1/4 teaspoon, cumin powder
 1/4 teaspoon, salt
 1 teaspoon, sugar (castor sugar)
 2 teaspoons, lime juice

 2 teaspoons, lemon juice

In a blender, puree all ingredients, except lemon and lime juice. Then add the juices to pureed mixture and stir well. Serve chilled.

Peanut Cachumber

Peanut Cachumber

Peanut Cachumber 
 100g, peanuts (dry roasted)
 1 tablespoon, tamarind pulp, soak in 50ml of water, for 10 minutes
 1 large onion, diced 
 2 green chillies, sliced
 1/2 teaspoon, fenugreek powder
 1 teaspoon, oil (canola or olive)
 1/2 teaspoon, cumin powder
 2 tablespoons, chickpeas (canned, rinse well)
 1 teaspoon, Salt

 Optional: 10 fresh curry leaves
 Optional: 2 tablespoons, grated coconut

Put all ingredients into a food processor or blender and grind to form a paste. Serve chilled.

South African pickled fish

South African pickled fish

South African Pickled Fish
 500g, boneless fish
 2 green chillies, sliced
 1 large onion, sliced in thick rings
 2 teaspoons, ground chillies (chilli powder)
 2 cloves, garlic (fresh), finely chopped 
 3/4 cup, canola oil
 1/2 cup, fresh mint leaves, chopped 
 1 tablespoon, fresh thyme (remove from stem)
 3 tablespoons, corriander powder and cumin powder
 3 teaspoons, tumeric powder
 2 teaspoons,  Salt 

 250ml, white vinegar (1 cup)
 Optional: 1 teaspoon, whole cumin seeds

Slice fish into desired size. Soak in salted water (1 teaspoon, salt) for an 1 hour, then drain well.
Prepare a thick paste with cumin, corriander, tumeric, ground chillies(chilli powder), salt and a dash af water. Smear all over the fish. Set a side(Can use 2 tablespoons of idospices Cape Malay curry powder instead)
Heat the oil in a fry pan and shallow fry fish for 3-4 minutes on both sides. Drain fish on paper towel.
In a saucepan place some oil (4-5 tablespoons) from fry pan and heat. Add onion, green chillies and garlic, saute for 3 minutes. (add cumin seeds) OPTIONAL.
Add vinegar, fish, remaining salt (1 teaspoon), thyme and mint, bring to the boil, simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cool and refridgerate in sealed container. 

For a rich tasting and less complex Pickled Fish preparation use (2) level tablespoons of 'idospices' Cape Malay curry powder to create thick paste, in place of cumin, corriander, tumeric, ground chillies. Can also add (1-2) tablespoons of sugar with vinegar to sweeten.

idospices Pickles, Sauces and Chutneys
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